Mark 1:14-28
Jesus begins his ministry, calls his first disciples, preaches in his local synagogue, and casts out a demon.
Questions to consider while reading the text.
1. We see Jesus’ move toward a populated region, which is perhaps slightly forgotten by the religious elite. Is this a move we should imitate, if so how, literally, symbolically? Or how does Jesus’ relocation affect our calling? (Remember it was his home)
2. Jesus calls us to be transformed people placing confidence in God’s proclamation. What does this mean in your life, what does it mean that God’s reign has dawned in your life?
3. Have you ever had to leave livelihood or family to follow Jesus, what does “Follow me” mean to you in your life now? Do you need to leave anything behind?
4. Mark clearly connects Jesus’ ministry to worship and a worshiping community, does this connection impact your ideas about worship, its purpose and power?
5. What is the relationship between teaching and acts of power, are such actions possible for us, and is so how do we gain such authority, if not, what does authority mean for us?